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Course for practitioners (O4)

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Course for practitioners (O4)


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Structure plan of the
O4 Course for practitioners.pdf


Higher Education course – didactical framework and course modules. The HE course consists of 6 course modules.


Module 1: Introduction to the Course

The introduction module consist of two parts. In the first part we want the group to form a learning team that has a common interest in the course´s subjects and that shares their experience with CGC for refugees and the challenges they perceived in this task. The contributions are then complimented and transferred into the Delphi-based structure of demands, challenges and topics and the course´s programme is presented as a choice of central subjects matching the requested and demanded training.

The second part gives an introduction to the macroeconomic and political framework of CGC for refugees, thus underlining role, use and relevance of this task and its professional completion. As a result of both parts of this introduction module ideally motivation for active involvement in the following course modules derives from individually felt demand as well as from insight in human, social, economic and political necessities.


Module 2: Critical Reflection

The aim of the module is to engage in critical reflexion of participants’ future practice with refugees. The module will employ a range of reflexive techniques for participants to engage in their own reflections on their thoughts, concerns, assumptions and perspectives of working with asylum seekers and refugees. A mixture of lecture, paired and small group work and whole group discussion will be used. In addition some creative techniques may be employed.



Module 3: Language

The aim of the module is to develop the course participants understanding of language as a meaning making resource for career mobility and in career guidance and counselling (CGC) with migrants/refugees, and the participants’ ability to manage language asymmetries and intercultural communication in CGC.

A starting point for the module is Kolb's theory about experimental learning which suggests that learning activities should give the participants an embodied learning experience where thoughts, emotions and actions are involved. The module will employ a mixture of different learning activities: lectures, group work, reflections (individually and group), discussions and workshops. The participants will during the module explore several CGC methods that aims to give the participants a personal experience. The participants will recurrently re-late the content to CGC work settings and the professional role of a career counsellor.



Module 4: Migration Complexity

The purpose of this module is to make career counsellors ready for the cultural differences, which can prevent effective counselling and to provide a tool that can be used as a source to when the cultural differences have a role in labour market orientation. The focus is on cultural differences and adaptation. Gaining insight about these sub-jects will help career counsellors understand some challenges refugees and immigrants may encounter in employment. Thus, they can be aware of and ready for the role of cultural differences on labour market integration.

  1. Cultural Awareness (Part 1): Counsellors’ awareness about their own cultures, understanding cultural differences and cross-cultural communication abilities demonstrate if he/she is competent to provide consultancy service to foreigners. In this context, "Cultural Awareness" content discussed in four subtitles; "Definition, Characteristics, Com-ponents of Culture", "Cultural Differences", "Cross Cultural Communication" and "Demonstrating Respect and Understanding, Avoiding Stereotyping".
  2. Cultural Adaptation (Part 2): The level of immigrant’s/refugees socio-economic adaptation is primarily dependent on the acculturation attitudes. Thus, in this chapter, career counsellors’ awareness of acculturation and cultural adjustment process will be in-creased in order to make them ready to offer the support counselees require to facilitate their integration into their new community.
  3. Special Issues (Part 3): Main aim of the both titles (religion and gender) is to inform career counsellors about the key issues/rules of main religious groups (perform prayer, halal food etc.) and give a point of view about the place of women in society of different cultures which can cause difficulties to workplace environment and employers.


Module 5: Access and Inclusion into System

The aim of the module is to provide information and to develop knowledge about education systems, ways of professional training and the structure and special features of labour markets in the countries of origin of refugees in contrast to European countries. Another focus lies on the recognition and/ or valorisation of qualification and of competence on national and European level.

The module will provide a range of knowledge concerning the subjects in CGCMR, the main focus will lie on the task how the knowledge could be used for the counselling process, and thus the module will be a mixture of lectures and group work.



Module 6: Moving Beyond

The diversity and challenges that individuals are confronted with in the European countries, as well as the recognition of the complexity of human life, suggest that in partic-ular for more vulnerable individuals, it is not sufficient to provide comfort, facilitations and assistance on a daily basis to difficulties they encounter in personal as well as in their work life. It is crucial supporting them in becoming effective in their life design processes, in anticipating and dealing with career transitions and unexpected challenges, in keeping active the hope for a foreseeable future and developing essential resources to manage uncertain times and life transitions. These issues are significant also for migrants who are at higher risk of unemployment than natives. They frequently find jobs in informal economy that expose them to poverty, many forms of exploitation, stress, depression, and frustration just to mention some challenges. Counsellors are then required to open themselves to recent approaches and related dimensions, to tailor to higher and more complex goals the purposes of their actions, moving beyond supportive measures.